Connect with yourself.
Cultivate self-care and self-compassion.
Remember who you are and how you can be in the world.
About Cards for Remembering
This 48-card deck helps you to connect more deeply with yourself and Spirit, so that you cultivate greater self-compassion and self-care. As you Re-member yourself- practicing acceptance and integration of your various parts- you are also Re-membering our world because you are a part of the world.
Included with the deck:
48 cards (3 1/2” x 5”, smooth-finish) with inspiring messages and vibrant art
a digital guidebook with suggestions for using the deck & reflections for each card
a beautiful sturdy 2-part box (3 3/4” x 5 1/2” x 1”)
Cards for Remembering is a small-batch, limited-edition deck manufactured in the United States.
Readings for Remembering
SSh Photography LLC
Interested in carrying Cards for Remembering in your retail space? Click below.
What wisdom is wishing to be witnessed in and for your life? Purchase a Reading for Remembering for messages to ground you, guide you, and remind you of the wisdom that already lives inside you.
Types of readings available:
Email Readings for Remembering: Want a reading sent to you via email or direct message? Purchase a 3-card email reading!
In this 3-card reading, you receive guidance and affirmations based on the 3 cards, their positions in relation to one another and to the stones or sacred objects used in the reading. This reading also incorporates two cards from Cards for Remembering and one card from another deck!
You can purchase a single reading OR a year of monthly readings!
In-person or virutal sessions:
Reading and Reiki: A unique space is created for your reading. Using Cards for Remembering, I share guidance and reminders of the wisdom that already lives in you. Based on the reading, I share Reiki healing to help process, integrate, and embody the insights. 45-, 60- and 90-minute sessions available.
Reading and Restoring: A unique space is created for your reading. Using Cards for Remembering, I share guidance and reminders of the wisdom that already lives in you. Based on the reading, I share Reiki, Compassionate Communication, and/or essential oils to help process, integrate, and embody the insights. 90-minute sessions.
Want to bring Readings for Remembering to your event?
Contact Cory here to begin the conversation!
The Story Behind the Deck
Dear Wise One,
THANK YOU for choosing Cards for Remembering! I began creating this deck as a daily practice during the Christian season of Lent in 2020, traditionally a time for deep introspection. I didn't know when I started the practice that I was creating what would become Cards for Remembering.
During their creation our world changed drastically because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As I completed the production of the 1st edition, protests were going on all over the U.S. in response to police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others. Creating and using these cards through cycles of upheaval, loss, and recovery shaped both the cards and the guidebook created for the 2nd edition.
My hope is that the deck and these reflections will help you to connect more deeply with yourself, other people, and Spirit, ground yourself in expansive self-compassion, and invite you into loving self-care.
As you Re-member yourself - practicing acceptance and integration of your various parts - you are also Re-membering our world, because you are a part of the world.