Seek the Shalom of the city into which I have sent you, and pray to the Holy One on its behalf, for in its peace you will find your peace.

-Jeremiah 29:7


You are invited to…

Go on a virtual exploration through Louisville’s history using a lens of social justice.

Reflect open-heartedly in community on how to both claim the past and shape the future of Louisville.

Join us once monthly

from February to July

at Roots 101 African American Museum

for an eye- and heart-opening journey including:

  • stories from Louisville’s history

  • opportunities to meet other justice-focused folks

  • deep discussion with others on how to create a city of greater peace and justice


This invite-only program is FREE. Because registration is limited, pre-registration is required.

This event is a preview of a monthly series Roots 101 will be offering in 2023.

Be one of the first to experience this

mind- and heart-opening program

and learn how you can support

steps toward shalom, deep-well-being,

in the city of Louisville.