No One Said It Would Be Easy

(written May 14, 2016)

No one said it would be easy

to listen

to one

who knows the world

from another side.


No one said it would be easy

to honor what you know,

that he doesn’t want to see.


No one said it would be easy

to be confronted

with your blind spots,


or well-guarded.


No one said it would be easy

to let go of a few

of your thousand

points of privilege, 

the ones that feel like anchors,

even briefly,

and step


into the sea of vulnerability.


No one said it would be easy

to admit that you like

the warm sand

of privilege,

the luxury of


even as your friends cannot.


No one said it would be easy.


Why should it be?

Why should it be easy for you

when so many cannot choose?


Step out

of the comfort,

toe-dip into the






Wade in,

up to the calves,

the waist,

don’t stop until you’re breast-deep.

It’s only worth it when your heart is submerged.


Reach out your hand

to steady him or you,

you may not know.

You are not alone.


Push into the depths

until your feet don’t touch.





each other.

No one said it would be easy.