Messages from the Universe Via...Me

I started the day after Ash Wednesday. For those who don’t know that day, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten Season in Christian tradition and was on February 26 this year. I began my practice on February 27. Each day I created a 4” x 6” card, or occasionally two, with an image and a simple message. Some messages were ones I needed to hear on that particular day. Other messages felt like words I would need someday, but in the moment I was creating them for someone else. Someone else needed to see the words or the image.

I ended the practice on Sunday, April 5, not the official end of Lent, but the day I completed my 44th card. It simply felt like the right place to stop. On Monday I created one more card that was only color, no words, because...

I began the project with bigger plans for these cards. I wanted to create a simple and accessible way for others to be reminded of simple truths. I now begin the second part of the project: creating digital images, prints, and, what delights me most, a deck of cards; the wordless image will likely be the back of them. I use wisdom cards, oracle cards, other cards in my own spiritual practice. They are one way I lean into Spirit- to receive a reminder, a message, a confirmation of things I know but may not be trusting in the moment. I hope that others will use them this way or whatever way makes sense to them.

Today I leave you the words from each card. My hope is that you will find the message you need right now. Maybe you want to write it out for yourself. Maybe you want to create your own image. Maybe you want to say the words aloud. Maybe you want to journal about one message or another. Maybe you want to adjust some words, because my wording isn’t quite right for you. Maybe you want to do some other beautiful thing with them. Whatever you do with them, if anything, I hope you receive them as a gift. Here are my original cards and below them are all 44 messages.

Affirmation cards.JPG

I am allowed to rest.

My body is wise. I trust my body’s WISDOM.

I am allowed to SHINE!

I am allowed to say NO.

I am allowed to say YES to ME.

What act of kindness am I offering myself today?

I choose to befriend my fear.

I am an expression of Divine Love…and so is everyone else, but some of us have forgotten.

I plant my feet on the ground to Root Myself.

Love is my constant guide.

I am allowed to PLAY!

I am allowed to express my needs.

I am allowed to feel all the feelings.

Caring for the world includes caring for myself because I am a part of the world.

I allow myself to trust that I am lovingly HELD.

In every moment I am doing the best I can. My best doesn’t always look the same.

When I know and express my BOUNDARIES, I make it easier for myself and others to honor them.

I listen to my body and SLOW DOWN when she asks me to.

In the face of uncertainty I choose to breathe deeply.

In every moment I have POWER and I have CHOICE.

I treat my fear, anger, anxiety, and overwhelm with care and I ask for help when I struggle to do it myself.

I allow myself time and space to tune in to my own deep wisdom.

I am a vital part of the web of life.

Sometimes I give. Sometimes I receive. Both are beautiful.

I am allowed not to be fine.

Joy is planted in me. I tend it, so it grows.

I am a light in the world, even when I can’t sense my own light.

I choose curiosity over judgement.

Even in turmoil, I find comfort and peace.

I accept myself, broken, whole, beautiful. Always beautiful.

I am willing to dive into the well of emotions beneath my anger.

I am allowed not to know.

I trust that my BEING is valuable- here, now, everywhere, always.

I am allowed to grieve.

I am allowed to celebrate beauty and every joyful moment.

What am I shedding? What new growth is alive in me?

I trust myself. I trust my community. I trust Spirit.

I am breathing. I am grateful. I take note of the many gifts in my life.

I trust that I am accompanied and supported.

I am allowed to ask for help.

My emotions are my teachers. I choose to learn from them.

I accept the messy, beautiful flow of LIFE.

In challenging times, I lean into cReaTivity.

I trust in abundance.

if you choose to play with these words, I’d love to know what you do with them. Please share!

Blessings to you.