/Outline of three intersecting hearts- orange, green, and purple- that are open at both the bottom and top
A few years ago I went to Miami Beach for my birthday. I had wanted to celebrate with warm weather, beach time, and dancing! Miami Beach offered all of those and I think I also got a cheap flight there. A dear friend met me and celebrated with me like a champ despite the fact that she was fighting some sort of respiratory ick.
We were strolling around town one of those days and all of a sudden a thought popped into my brain. "I know what tattoo I want." Mind you, I had never considered getting a tattoo so this thought took me by surprise. The image, however, was not surprising- one of Picasso's peace doves. I'd have it tattoed on my left hip. I tried to push this thought out of my mind, but it was persistent.
I didn't get a tattoo on that birthday trip. The idea simmered for a few years.
And then, again to my surprise, I was ready. I wanted my tattoo. I mentioned this to a friend and he said, "What are you going to get? Your hearts?"
I was flummoxed. No, I was going to permanently imprint the Picasso dove on my hip. His suggestion made me rethink that plan. A few months later, I got my first (and thus far, only) tattoo.
Three interconnected and open hearts- orange, green, and purple. On my left ankle. The image that is at the top of this post. These hearts represent so much of what I wish for the world- hearts connected to one another, hearts open to what is and may be, hearts vibrantly themselves in shape, color, and size.
These three hearts are now part of the opening segment for the Seeking the Shalom of the City videos. They'll be making their way onto other pages of my website soon, too.
Speaking of which... you might notice that something has been removed from this site.
An E.
A small change that feels unsettling and exciting in my body; I notice a rush of energy even as I write about it. The words on the first page and heading other pages now read "Hart Communication," no longer "Heart Communication." Wanting to play on my last name, it only made sense to drop the E, but it took a long time (years) of hemming and hawing to finally do it.
Like the spring blooms bursting forth, I feel like I, too, am emerging. Shedding things like Es and trying to shake thoughts that have kept me small and hidden. Putting myself out there by applying for an artist residency, making art more regularly again, getting ready for some in-person classes this summer. In the last week I've had three people invite me for public speaking engagements. Two are happening this month. The Universe seems to be pushing me to take bigger steps.
"Get out there. It is time to Emerge! That's why you needed to drop the E in Heart. That letter was needed elsewhere. Instead of merging into what other people want you to be, who other people think you should be, it's time to Emerge into a fuller sense of who you want to be, who you know you are."
And so here I am, trying to respond to the Universe's invitations, sometimes with willingness to take the big steps, sometimes needing encouragement and cheerleading to even take baby steps. Thankfully, I've got some great encouragers and cheerers around me. If you're reading this, you're one of them. Thank you. I am so very grateful. So very, very grateful.
Right now I have a major project in the process of Emergence. It's set to make its appearance in the world in a couple of weeks, but I'll give you a hint...it may have something to do with some of my new art-making...
I'm also bringing back my online Communicating Across Divides workshop later this month on a gift economy basis, finishing the rebranding and updating of Seeking the Shalom of the City, and preparing for summer classes. One note about the summer classes- I would love to have intergenerational participation and I have a special scholarship/student rate for high school and college students! This feels like yet another way to honor...
In this time of Emergence, what is coming alive, springing forth, bursting out of you?
I'd love to know.