Savoring... June Goodness

a bright red rose in full bloom

Dear friends,

And just like that, it's June! 

I have to say I'm grateful for a new month. May was a rollercoaster ride, with some bright spots and a lot of challenges. The laboring was long and I'm definitely still in it.

But it helps to go out to my wild and messy backyard to see a rose in bloom on the bush I thought had died (pictured above). Isn't she gorgeous? 

It helps to see my azaleas that I also thought had died holding on.

It helps to go out and pick a few raspberries and look with anticipation at the many yet to come.

It helps to go outside and have surprise encounters with creatures like yesterday when I met a shrew (I didn't even know it was a shrew until I did some research). According to some websites, I should consider the shrew a pest, but I couldn't help but be enchanted and fascinated by it.  

I realized a few days ago that I had loosened my hold on my word for 2023: SAVOR 

I want to reclaim this word. 

I started to do so at MYPATH over the weekend, savoring connection with Mother Earth, with other people, with myself. 

Savoring requires slowness and attention. I want to bring slowness and attention to everything I do. It is a practice, sometimes difficult in our fast-paced world. 

This month I have many events coming up spanning a wide spectrum of my work: offering Readings for Remembering, teaching Compassionate Communication, facilitating Seeking the Shalom of the City, vending at two markets. I am also returning to and expanding my Reiki offerings.

I hope that before, during, and after each of these, I will move at the speed of a human, cultivating slowness, attention, connection. Savoring...

This month I hope to sink into all parts of my life: seeing a dear high school friend, going to the zoo, watching a women's soccer game, going to a housewarming party, dancing, retreating with members of my church community, walking/hiking/running with friends, and hopefully communing more with flowers, creatures, ALL.  Savoring...

What are you savoring as we move into the long days of summer?

I'd love to know. 

With wonder, 